Biden Administration Asks Dr. Oz and Herschel Walker to Resign from Presidential Advisory Committee on Fitness and Nutrition or be Terminated

The Biden administration threatened Wednesday to remove Dr. Mehmet Oz and Herschel Walker from a federal advisory committee if they didn’t resign, setting the stage for a public fight with two high-profile GOP Senate candidates.

Oz, the celebrity doctor, and Walker, the former football star, were each sent a letter Wednesday asking them to resign from the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition by the end of the day, warning that failure to step down would result in termination, a White House official said. President Donald Trump reappointed Oz and Walker to two-year terms on the committee in December 2020.

The Biden administration doesn’t permit candidates for federal office to serve on boards and commissions, the White House official said.

Oz entered Pennsylvania’s Senate race in November, and Walker announced his candidacy for a Senate seat in Georgia in August.

In a video posted to his Twitter account Wednesday, Oz insisted he would not resign.

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SOURCE: NBC News, Zoë Richards