Parents Fight Back as Sexually Explicit Content Spreads Coast to Coast in US Public Schools

Parents from coast to coast are fighting school districts on everything from Critical Race Theory to mask mandates in classrooms. Backlash is also growing over sexually explicit content now available to children as young as kindergarten.

Parents who first started packing school board meetings to re-open schools are focusing on books with explicit and obscene content.

“I think it’s been hidden from a lot of parents. The shutdown has allowed parents to actually see and hear some of the content that was being discussed in classrooms,” said Amy Jahr, a mother in Loudoun County, Virginia.

That content in question includes sexually explicit books like Gender Queer, which is a recipient of an American Library Award.

“It’s a story of my own life about coming out as queer and non-binary and asexual,” said author Maia Kobabe during a recent media interview.

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Source: CBN