HERE WE GO and THE DEVIL IS A LIE: Chris Rufo, Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute, Says Chicago’s Largest Children’s Hospital, LURIE CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL, Has Partnered With Four Public School Districts to Push “KINK” FOR KIDS, “BDSM,” and “TRANSGENDER-FRIENDLY” SEX TOYS For Children — Daniel Whyte III Says to the So-called “INCLUSIVE” WOKE Pastors in Evangelicalism and Fake Christianity, Now, Even You Are Shocked, Aren’t You? You Never Thought the Homosexual Sodomite Crowd Would Go For the JUGULAR VEIN OF OUR CHILDREN Even Those Sick and in the Hospital, Did You? You Really Thought You Were Being Loving, You Really Thought You Were Being Magnanimous When You Allowed the Homosexuals as Members Into the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, Didn’t You? Well, I Say, Using the Words of Malcolm X: “YOU BEEN HAD! YOU BEEN TOOK! YOU BEEN HOODWINKED! BAMBOOZLED! LED ASTRAY! AND NOW YOU HAVE CAUSED THE CHURCH, THE NATION, AND THE WORLD TO RUN AMOK!”

In Chicago, the city’s largest children’s hospital has partnered with local school districts to promote radical gender theory. Christopher F. Rufo August 31, 2022 The Social Order; Education; Health Care

HERE WE GO and THE DEVIL IS A LIE: Chris Rufo, Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute, Says Chicago’s Largest Children’s Hospital, LURIE CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL, Has Partnered With Four Public School Districts to Push “KINK” FOR KIDS, “BDSM,” and “TRANSGENDER-FRIENDLY” SEX TOYS For Children — Daniel Whyte III Says to the So-called “INCLUSIVE” WOKE Pastors in Evangelicalism and Fake Christianity, Now, Even You Are Shocked, Aren’t You? You Never Thought the Homosexual Sodomite Crowd Would Go For the JUGULAR VEIN OF OUR CHILDREN Even Those Sick and in the Hospital, Did You? You Really Thought You Were Being Loving, You Really Thought You Were Being Magnanimous When You Allowed the Homosexuals as Members Into the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, Didn’t You? Well, I Say, Using the Words of Malcolm X: “YOU BEEN HAD! YOU BEEN TOOK! YOU BEEN HOODWINKED! BAMBOOZLED! LED ASTRAY! AND NOW YOU HAVE CAUSED THE CHURCH, THE NATION, AND THE WORLD TO RUN AMOK!”

The largest children’s hospital in Chicago has created partnerships with local school districts to promote radical gender theory, “kink,” “BDSM,” and “trans-friendly” sex toys for children.

I have obtained insider documents that reveal this troubling collaboration between gender activists at Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago and school administrators throughout the Chicago area. According to these documents, and a review of school district websites, Lurie Children’s Hospital has provided materials to school leaders promoting radical gender theory, trans activism, and sexually explicit materials in at least four Chicago-area public school systems: District 75, District 120, District 181, and District 204. According to a whistleblower, these documents were circulated to administrators, teachers, and other staff at the middle school and high school level as part of ongoing employee-training programs.

The primary training document, “Beyond Binary: Gender in Schools,” follows the basic narrative of academic queer theory: white, Western society has created an oppressive gender binary, falsely dividing the world into the categories of man and woman, that has resulted in “transphobia,” “cissexism,” and “systemic discrimination” against racial and sexual minorities. Versions of the document were attributed to Jennifer Leininger, associate director of Lurie’s Community Programs and Initiatives, and Hadeis Safi, a “nonbinary” gender activist who uses “they/them” pronouns and works for the hospital’s LGBTQ and Gender Inclusion program—which advertises its care for children with “gender expansive” identities and offers “gender-affirming” medical procedures, including puberty blockers for children.

Source: City Journal, Christopher Rufor

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