You Can Control Some Pain Much More Than You Think

Do you suffer from joint pain? (iStock photo)
Do you suffer from joint pain? (iStock photo)

Pain is often the hallmark of disease. Chronic pain itself is not a defined medical condition, but rather a symptom in the body that something has gone awry.

Pain usually stems from inflammation of the body’s tissues. Although there is no blood test for pain, the patient is acutely aware of its existence.

Throughout the centuries, one of the most pressing goals for medical researchers has been to find more effective ways to diminish pain. As medicine enters the 21st century, we are still seeking a perfect pain reliever with no side effects. After all, end-stage cancer patients are still given morphine, a narcotic drug that was used during the Civil War, to dull their excruciating pain. And experts on pain are sizing up the benefits of marijuana for their patients. Somehow we haven’t been able to develop a pain reliever that’s truly effective and doesn’t cause a drug-induced high.

Sometimes physicians can’t make a definitive medical diagnosis to explain the underlying cause of chronic pain. They may shrug their shoulders or use a term like fibromyalgia, a diagnosis made to describe intense, diffuse pain of unknown origin. Regardless of whether a definitive cause of chronic pain can be found, every patient knows that the pain is very, very real.

The most powerful pain relievers, however, are corticosteroids. They have an immediate effect, but they knock out all eicosanoids—”good” and “bad”—indiscriminately. This can lead to severe side effects, such as immune depression, cognitive impairment, and diabetes.

Aspirin, on the other hand, affects a more limited number of eicosanoids (only prostaglandins and thromboxanes), but at least it knocks out the “bad” eicosanoids at a slightly faster rate than it knocks out the “good” ones. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as Advil) also work like aspirin. In recent years, new and very expensive medications called COX-2 inhibitors were added to the stockpile of pain relievers. These have a little more selectivity than aspirin, but not as corticosteroids.

Corticosteroids, aspirin, and other anti-inflammatory drugs inhibit the actions of enzymes that make “bad” eicosanoids, whereas Ultra Refined high-dose fish oil reduces the actual building block (arachidonic acid)) necessary to make the same “bad” eicosanoids. The medications won’t reduce the building blocks of “bad” eicosanoids, so it’s almost as if you’re fighting an uphill battle against pain.

Ultra Refined high-dose fish oil, on the other hand, reduces the materials necessary to make these weapons of pain.* Thus, you’re able to charge downhill to conquer your enemy. This explains why Ultra Refined high-dose fish oil can so effectively keep inflammatory pain under control.

While medicine has a variety of blood tests to check for heart disease and diabetes, it has virtually none to test for pain. The primary way your doctor determines the extent of your pain is by your own reporting of symptoms. Medical science has coined a lot of terms to describe the various parts of your body that hurt. Many end in—itis, a Greek root meaning inflammation. Below are some common forms of inflammatory pain:

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SOURCE: Charisma News
Dr. Barry Sears

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