Chinese Believers Face Lack of Bibles

Photo courtesy of Bibles for China.

Bibles are harder and harder to come by for believers in China.

Why? It’s not clear. But Kurt Rovenstine of Bibles for China has been in contact with several churches in China, and they’re all sharing the same message: “We need Bibles, and we can’t get them.”

Rovenstine has a few theories. For one, the regulations imposed during the COVID-19 meant authorities allowed fewer registered churches. Fewer registered churches means fewer printed Bibles, whether because printers don’t think there’s a market or because “the numbers of Bibles that are printed, are determined by what the government deems is needed.”

Of course, there are always the more traditional obstacles. Rovenstine says there’s always a difficulty in arranging “distribution, transportation, getting people together to get [Bibles] out of the boxes into the hands of those that want it.”

Click here to read more.

SOURCE: Mission Network News, Alex Anhalt


  • Pray for believers to get their hands on Bibles as soon as possible.
  • Ask God to provide avenues for Bibles to reach Christians in China.
  • Thank Him for the hunger that China’s church has for God’s word.