China’s Persecution of Christians Extends to South Korea

In the image, Dr. Foley of VOM Korea teaches the “Mayflower Church” how to biblically respond to persecution. (Photo courtesy of Do the Word, caption courtesy of VOM Canada)
China offers no reprieve for Christians as a new year begins. Instead, “this is certainly the most concerted [persecution] orchestrated by the central government and the Chinese Communist Party,” Bob Fu of China Aid says. China Aid partners with Voice of the Martyrs Canada to help persecuted believers in China. Fu says the oppression extends across national borders. In 2019, 60 believers fled to South Korea when threatened with prison time for operating a church school. Human rights advocates called this group of believers the “Mayflower Church” for its similarity to the pilgrims who fled England in 1620 due to persecution.
Today, despite multiple appeals, South Korea is still refusing believers’ requests for protection.
Click here to read more. SOURCE: Mission Network News, Katey Hearth