WATCH: Baltimore Church Member Stabbed to Death After Letting Contractors Inside Church for Renovations, and Day Laborer is Charged With Her Murder


A day laborer was charged with the death of a 69-year-old beloved church member found dead inside East Baltimore’s Southern Baptist Church, WBAL reports.

At about 6 a.m. on Nov. 16, Evalyn Player arrived at her church to let in day laborers who were assisting in renovating the church, WJZ reports. Less than an hour later, she was found stabbed to death in a bathroom inside the church, police stated.

Friends told the station that Player was a dedicated member of the church and volunteered her time every day. She’d been a member for 50 years, said Pastor Donté Hickman.

Manzie Smith Jr (CREDIT: BPD)

“We were very distraught, shocked and we especially didn’t believe it would happen in the house of God. But we just thank and praise God that even through this, God’s will and greater purpose will be accomplished,” Hickman told the AFRO website. “Evelyn Player represents anybody’s mother who could’ve been in that situation, so we just thank God that people are touched inwardly and that people still have hearts for the community.”

City and state leaders were shocked by the crime and asked for help in finding Player’s killer.

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SOURCE: PEOPLE, Elaine Aradillas