WATCH: IF YOU NEVER THOUGHT ANDY STANLEY Of NORTH POINT COMMUNITY CHURCH IN ATLANTA, GEORGIA, AND HIS DISCIPLES, SUCH AS CONWAY EDWARDS OF ONE COMMUNITY CHURCH IN PLANO-MCKINNEY, TEXAS, WERE BLASPHEMING, HERETICAL FALSE PROPHETS, THIS RECENT SERMON VIDEO BY ANDY STANLEY SHOULD DO IT FOR YOU. TWO TIMES HE MAKES THIS BLASPHEMOUS, HERETICAL STATEMENT: ” . . . I’M NOT ARGUING AT THIS POINT THAT WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS IS TRUE . . . AND AGAIN, I’M NOT ARGUING THAT THE BIBLE IS CORRECT. . .” AT ANOTHER POINT, HE SAYS: “. . . I’M NOT ARGUING THAT WHAT JESUS SAID IS TRUE. I’M JUST TELLING YOU WHAT JESUS SAID . . . ” Daniel Whyte III, President of Gospel Light Society International, says Folks, no born again, saved, spirit-filled preacher has ever uttered such blasphemous, disrespectful, heretical words in the history of the Church. A true born-again preacher could not fix his mouth to say such ungodly garbage. So Whyte says to you today, hopefully, some of his disciples are born again-saved and are just deceived, but as far as Andy Stanley is concerned, he is lost and on his way to hell at this point. Pray for his soul, and pray that he does not commit suicide as did Judas.

WATCH: IF YOU NEVER THOUGHT ANDY STANLEY Of NORTH POINT COMMUNITY CHURCH IN ATLANTA, GEORGIA, AND HIS DISCIPLES, SUCH AS CONWAY EDWARDS OF ONE COMMUNITY CHURCH IN PLANO-MCKINNEY, TEXAS, WERE BLASPHEMING, HERETICAL FALSE PROPHETS, THIS RECENT SERMON VIDEO BY ANDY STANLEY SHOULD DO IT FOR YOU. TWO TIMES HE MAKES THIS BLASPHEMOUS, HERETICAL STATEMENT: ” . . . I’M NOT ARGUING AT THIS POINT THAT WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS IS TRUE . . . AND AGAIN, I’M NOT ARGUING THAT THE BIBLE IS CORRECT. . .” AT ANOTHER POINT, HE SAYS: “. . . I’M NOT ARGUING THAT WHAT JESUS SAID IS TRUE. I’M JUST TELLING YOU WHAT JESUS SAID . . . ” Daniel Whyte III, President of Gospel Light Society International, says Folks, no born again, saved, spirit-filled preacher has ever uttered such blasphemous, disrespectful, heretical words in the history of the Church. A true born-again preacher could not fix his mouth to say such ungodly garbage. So Whyte says to you today, hopefully, some of his disciples are born again-saved and are just deceived, but as far as Andy Stanley is concerned, he is lost and on his way to hell at this point. Pray for his soul, and pray that he does not commit suicide as did Judas.

PEW RESEARCH RAISES THE QUESTION: WHY DO SO MANY YOUNG MEN NOT HAVE THAT UNMISTAKABLE FIRE AND DESIRE IN THEIR BELLIES TO HAVE SEX WITH WOMEN? Daniel Whyte III, President of Gospel Light Society International, says he is happy to say that at the age of 62, he still has the same fire and desire in his belly to have sex with a fine woman that he had when he was a youngster and saw an ashtray with the picture of a fine woman water-skiing belonging to one of his family members that the family member bought while on vacation. Whyte says all that to say this: God put that natural fire and desire in a man for how He made a woman. This fire and desire are unmistakable. A young man and even an older man should never lose that natural fire and desire for the most beautiful creature God ever made — the woman. Never! Never! Never! Even though a man should not lust after a woman or try to force a woman, he should have that fire and desire in his belly for a woman. So why is this happening to our young men today, with so many young men not marrying these beautiful women? By the way, sexual desire for a beautiful woman and a sense of loneliness are the main two things God uses to drive men to marry women. Whyte says there are at least six reasons this is happening to our young men today:  (1) Mothers raising boys by themselves. Nowadays, very few mothers can raise their sons by themselves and give them that thing only their father, a manly man, can give them. It is an edge that some men have that attracts women to them all of their lives, and if they do not have that edge that only their father can give them, it repels women from them.  (2) Hen-pecked, controlled, and dominated husbands by their wives, and these wives raising the boys by themselves even though the father is in the home. Young men raised by evil and bad wives and mothers put a bad taste in their mouths about marrying a woman. (3) If the young men were raised in the church, they saw the pastor’s wife and other women dominating the pastor and other men. They saw men not being respected and honored in the church; therefore, the pastor, the pastor’s wife, and the other men and women in the church taught these young men that men are not important nor are they needed and that you are to give in to the woman and let her have her way. They also, therefore, saw their mother married to their father whore around with the church pastor and other men in the church, so they do not have the proper respect for women nor have the desire to get with a woman lest they be so betrayed by a woman, for if their mother would do something like that to his father, surely other women would do that to him. Now, there are whorish mothers and women who would laugh this off among themselves. But this is a real thing with their sons. (4) Young men of today were taught directly and indirectly in the church, in the school, and even in the home that being an effeminate, weak man was accepted and okay, and they were told not to be “macho,” which meant not to be masculine. So the young men were watered down by the church, the school, the family, television, and society. Sadly, some boys were homosexualized by step-fathers in the so-called “blended family,” by priests and pastors in the so-called church, and by principals and teachers in the so-called schools. (5) Pornography. These young men are having sex because sex is a natural need. The explosion need is still there, but the fire and desire for the woman to cause the explosion are not there. These young men are having sex, but they are having “sex with themselves” and are committing the sin of masturbation. These young men have learned through the ivory tower Evangelical teaching that there is such a thing called “pornography addiction,” which there is no such thing. By the way, we have a generation of women who do not have young men to come and take care of the business that a young man should be taking care of, sexually speaking, so they have turned to sex toys and lesbianism.  (6) God has put in every man a healthy respect and fear for the “weaker vessel” — the woman. That healthy respect and fear for women by men are designed to protect the “weaker vessel,” the woman, from wicked and unscrupulous men. But some young men have been taught to take that too far, and that is to put a woman on a pedestal, which she does not want to be put on and does not deserve to be put on. Nor is she to be almost worshiped and considered an angel who cannot do wrong when that is far from the truth, which all women know is not true. Some young men have been taught in such a way by their mothers, their weak, hen-pecked, controlled, and dominated fathers, their weak, hen-pecked, controlled, and dominated pastors, and their Jezebel wives, along with their gender-confused teachers to be this way. Therefore, they do not have enough natural manliness to attract a woman to them. They fear even approaching a woman, much less asking her to marry them so they can have the privilege and right to have sex with her, which is a huge privilege and right that both the man and the woman will always enjoy and appreciate.

PEW RESEARCH RAISES THE QUESTION: WHY DO SO MANY YOUNG MEN NOT HAVE THAT UNMISTAKABLE FIRE AND DESIRE IN THEIR BELLIES TO HAVE SEX WITH WOMEN? Daniel Whyte III, President of Gospel Light Society International, says he is happy to say that at the age of 62, he still has the same fire and desire in his belly to have sex with a fine woman that he had when he was a youngster and saw an ashtray with the picture of a fine woman water-skiing belonging to one of his family members that the family member bought while on vacation. Whyte says all that to say this: God put that natural fire and desire in a man for how He made a woman. This fire and desire are unmistakable. A young man and even an older man should never lose that natural fire and desire for the most beautiful creature God ever made — the woman. Never! Never! Never! Even though a man should not lust after a woman or try to force a woman, he should have that fire and desire in his belly for a woman. So why is this happening to our young men today, with so many young men not marrying these beautiful women? By the way, sexual desire for a beautiful woman and a sense of loneliness are the main two things God uses to drive men to marry women. Whyte says there are at least six reasons this is happening to our young men today:  (1) Mothers raising boys by themselves. Nowadays, very few mothers can raise their sons by themselves and give them that thing only their father, a manly man, can give them. It is an edge that some men have that attracts women to them all of their lives, and if they do not have that edge that only their father can give them, it repels women from them.  (2) Hen-pecked, controlled, and dominated husbands by their wives, and these wives raising the boys by themselves even though the father is in the home. Young men raised by evil and bad wives and mothers put a bad taste in their mouths about marrying a woman. (3) If the young men were raised in the church, they saw the pastor’s wife and other women dominating the pastor and other men. They saw men not being respected and honored in the church; therefore, the pastor, the pastor’s wife, and the other men and women in the church taught these young men that men are not important nor are they needed and that you are to give in to the woman and let her have her way. They also, therefore, saw their mother married to their father whore around with the church pastor and other men in the church, so they do not have the proper respect for women nor have the desire to get with a woman lest they be so betrayed by a woman, for if their mother would do something like that to his father, surely other women would do that to him. Now, there are whorish mothers and women who would laugh this off among themselves. But this is a real thing with their sons. (4) Young men of today were taught directly and indirectly in the church, in the school, and even in the home that being an effeminate, weak man was accepted and okay, and they were told not to be “macho,” which meant not to be masculine. So the young men were watered down by the church, the school, the family, television, and society. Sadly, some boys were homosexualized by step-fathers in the so-called “blended family,” by priests and pastors in the so-called church, and by principals and teachers in the so-called schools. (5) Pornography. These young men are having sex because sex is a natural need. The explosion need is still there, but the fire and desire for the woman to cause the explosion are not there. These young men are having sex, but they are having “sex with themselves” and are committing the sin of masturbation. These young men have learned through the ivory tower Evangelical teaching that there is such a thing called “pornography addiction,” which there is no such thing. By the way, we have a generation of women who do not have young men to come and take care of the business that a young man should be taking care of, sexually speaking, so they have turned to sex toys and lesbianism.  (6) God has put in every man a healthy respect and fear for the “weaker vessel” — the woman. That healthy respect and fear for women by men are designed to protect the “weaker vessel,” the woman, from wicked and unscrupulous men. But some young men have been taught to take that too far, and that is to put a woman on a pedestal, which she does not want to be put on and does not deserve to be put on. Nor is she to be almost worshiped and considered an angel who cannot do wrong when that is far from the truth, which all women know is not true. Some young men have been taught in such a way by their mothers, their weak, hen-pecked, controlled, and dominated fathers, their weak, hen-pecked, controlled, and dominated pastors, and their Jezebel wives, along with their gender-confused teachers to be this way. Therefore, they do not have enough natural manliness to attract a woman to them. They fear even approaching a woman, much less asking her to marry them so they can have the privilege and right to have sex with her, which is a huge privilege and right that both the man and the woman will always enjoy and appreciate.

THE CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL (CDC) ISSUES A WARNING OF ANOTHER SODOMITE/HOMOSEXUAL-BASED PLAGUE AND THE FRIGHTENING RISE OF THIS HIGHLY DRUG-RESISTANT STOMACH DISEASE.  Daniel Whyte III, President of Gospel Light Society International, says shame on the U.S. government and the CDC for trying to bury this another sodomite/homosexual-based plague story on a Saturday — a drug-resistant plague/disease which is similar to the monkeypox plague and AIDS that only affects male sodomites/homosexuals. So the world will know the truth: unless a man is a “down-low” secret homosexual having sex with a female, the heterosexual community is not in danger of the sodomite/homosexual diseases such as AIDS, monkeypox, and now this new homosexual-driven variant of shigellosis, especially if the man and woman are married under holy matrimony. Even though anal sex between a man and a woman is unsanitary and could bring injury to the woman, men who are having sex only with women, even anal sex and or oral sex, particularly in marriage, will not be punished by getting any of these sodomite/homosexual plagues or diseases because God has stated in His Word, “Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.”  Whyte is telling the world that God does not have a problem with what a male and female/husband and wife do in the bedroom. He believes that God basically checks out of the bedroom unless He knows somebody is trying to hurt somebody in the marriage bedroom or sin is taking place in the bedroom, such as adultery, fornication, or people living in adultery, that is divorced and remarried without biblical grounds. (Don’t get it twisted; God knows everything. But sex is God’s greatest gift to a husband and wife for them to enjoy, and He wants them to do it often without feeling like somebody is watching. As Whyte has often said, God wants a man to get it, and she needs to be got. Whyte believes God gives a married couple their “privacy” and is not “watching” unless somebody is trying to hurt somebody and or is breaking His commandments, and YET HE KNOWS ALL THINGS.) WHAT GOD HAS A PROBLEM WITH IS A MAN IN BED WITH ANOTHER MAN ENGAGING IN SODOMITE/HOMOSEXUAL ACTIVITY. Of course, God also has a problem with a woman in bed with another woman engaging in sodomite/homosexual, lesbian activity. Why does God have a problem with this wicked abominable behavior? Because it is an attempt by man to directly disturb, disrupt, and destroy His creation, order, and plan. God created a man and a woman and commanded them to have sex and “replenish the earth.” God did not make Adam and Steve; neither did He make Eve and Genevieve. Even though false prophets and false pastors, such as sodomite/homosexual-affirming Andy Stanley and Conway Edwards, say it is okay, God has always said, No, it is not okay. It is wrong, a sin, and an abomination. Since the beginning, God has always rebuked and punished people who have practiced sodomy/homosexuality and accepted it as a way of life. He is still rebuking and punishing it from Heaven. What people do not understand about God is that the punishment will continue until the behavior changes, which means that if one plague does not get your attention, God will send another plague. That is what He is doing now. God wants pastors and churches to repent of colluding with the government and homosexual organizations to condone, sanction, and accept the sodomite/homosexual lifestyle. (Whyte warns all born again-saved Christians who are not participating in these sins to not only stay away from gathering together in so-called homosexual-affirming church services and other places where people gather together due to the coronavirus plague but also because of the plagues of AIDS, monkeypox, and now this new sodomite/homosexual-driven disease.) If the homosexual-affirming pastors and churches mentioned above do not repent, the Lord will continue to chastise and rebuke the Church and spew churches out of His mouth. Eventually, America and the West will be destroyed, as was Sodom and Gomorrah, Rome, and Greece, if the Church does not lead society to repent wholesale.

DANIEL WHYTE III WARNS GREG LAURIE NOT TO USE A SODOMITE/HOMOSEXUAL-LED FAKE SO-CALLED ASBURY “REVIVAL” THAT MAN STOPPED TO HYPE HIS MOVIE TITLED THE “JESUS REVOLUTION.” With the good people you have behind the film and the genius move of having one of the most gifted actors in history, Kelsey Grammar, aka Frasier Crane, involved, not to mention the standard Evangelical movie machine, the film should do well without connecting it to a sodomite/homosexual-led failed attempt at a fake “revival.” You are a better man than to do this, and God has taken you through too much pain for you to do this. Your mentor and hero, Billy Graham, made sure he never did anything like that throughout his ministry. Who knows, Greg, if you had thousands of your followers to pray around the clock “without ceasing,” the “JESUS REVOLUTION” movie could spark a genuine revival, not a fake one? Trust in the Lord! Greg Laurie, as you know very well, when the Israelites were praying and seeking revival, one of the first things God led them to do was remove the sodomites from the temple and from around the temple.

BREAKING WORLD WAR III NEWS: UKRAINE’S PRESIDENT ZELENSKYY SAYS HE PLANS TO MEET WITH CHINA’S PRESIDENT XI JINPING. ON FRIDAY, ZELENSKYY SAID HE WELCOMED SOME ELEMENTS OF A CHINESE PEACE PROPOSAL FOR A CEASE-FIRE IN THE WAR BETWEEN RUSSIA AND UKRAINE. Daniel Whyte III, President of Gospel Light Society International, says again that Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin should handle the war in Ukraine and the rumors of war between China, Taiwan, and America. These two men need to tell the President what they will do. With all due respect to President Biden, all of this bluster and tough talk he is doing with Russia and China is unnecessary, provocative, and dangerous. By the way, America’s presidential bully pulpit tough talk to other world leaders does not work anymore because other world leaders do not respect the U.S. Presidency as they used to because the American presidents have led America and the West to adopt sins and abominations such as homosexuality, so-called homosexual marriage, transgenderism, the butchering of children in an attempt to change them from a boy to a girl or a girl to a boy, which is the worse form of child abuse. It looks like what is going to happen here is the most unlikely person in the world, President Xi Jinping, is going to waltz in and win the Nobel Peace prize for doing something that Whyte and Dr. Henry Kissinger told Biden and European leaders to do months ago and that is, to shut this war down by stop sending military aid to Ukraine and force everybody to sit down for peace talks. As someone has said, “WAR IS HELL!” War is not quite hell, for the actual hell is worse. The Russian-Ukrainian war is the closest that our generation has been to hell. Quite frankly, Whyte does not believe America and the West love Ukraine as much as they say they do, or they would have stopped this war long ago. To this very day, the U.S., NATO, and Europe are talking like insane people about how much money and equipment they are going to send Ukraine to fight Russia while they are not in the line of fire and their little girl will not have a bomb dropped on her or near her that will destroy her psychology for the rest of her life. Whyte asks: Why are they waiting? Are they waiting for a nuclear bomb to drop on Ukraine, Europe, or America? The U.S. and Europe should support President Xi Jinping of China in its effort to bring this hellacious war to an end. Whyte says this war needs to END TODAY!

BREAKING WORLD WAR III NEWS: UKRAINE’S PRESIDENT ZELENSKYY SAYS HE PLANS TO MEET WITH CHINA’S PRESIDENT XI JINPING. ON FRIDAY, ZELENSKYY SAID HE WELCOMED SOME ELEMENTS OF A CHINESE PEACE PROPOSAL FOR A CEASE-FIRE IN THE WAR BETWEEN RUSSIA AND UKRAINE. Daniel Whyte III, President of Gospel Light Society International, says again that Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin should handle the war in Ukraine and the rumors of war between China, Taiwan, and America. These two men need to tell the President what they will do. With all due respect to President Biden, all of this bluster and tough talk he is doing with Russia and China is unnecessary, provocative, and dangerous. By the way, America’s presidential bully pulpit tough talk to other world leaders does not work anymore because other world leaders do not respect the U.S. Presidency as they used to because the American presidents have led America and the West to adopt sins and abominations such as homosexuality, so-called homosexual marriage, transgenderism, the butchering of children in an attempt to change them from a boy to a girl or a girl to a boy, which is the worse form of child abuse. It looks like what is going to happen here is the most unlikely person in the world, President Xi Jinping, is going to waltz in and win the Nobel Peace prize for doing something that Whyte and Dr. Henry Kissinger told Biden and European leaders to do months ago and that is, to shut this war down by stop sending military aid to Ukraine and force everybody to sit down for peace talks. As someone has said, “WAR IS HELL!” War is not quite hell, for the actual hell is worse. The Russian-Ukrainian war is the closest that our generation has been to hell. Quite frankly, Whyte does not believe America and the West love Ukraine as much as they say they do, or they would have stopped this war long ago. To this very day, the U.S., NATO, and Europe are talking like insane people about how much money and equipment they are going to send Ukraine to fight Russia while they are not in the line of fire and their little girl will not have a bomb dropped on her or near her that will destroy her psychology for the rest of her life. Whyte asks: Why are they waiting? Are they waiting for a nuclear bomb to drop on Ukraine, Europe, or America? The U.S. and Europe should support President Xi Jinping of China in its effort to bring this hellacious war to an end. Whyte says this war needs to END TODAY!