Here We Go: Proposed California Bill Would Punish Nursing Home Workers Who Won’t Use Chosen Gender Pronouns for Transgender Patients

California’s legislature is considering a bill that would punish nursing home workers who fail to use the chosen gender pronouns of a transgender resident.

Senate Bill 219, also known as the “California LGBT Seniors Long-Term Care Bill of Rights,” is currently in the process of being amended in committee.

SB 219 reads that “it shall be unlawful for a long-term care facility or facility staff” to, among other things, “Willfully and repeatedly fail to use a resident’s preferred name or pronouns after being clearly informed of the preferred name or pronouns.”

The bill would also punish nursing home employees who prevent “a resident from using, or harass a resident who seeks to use or does use, a restroom available to other persons of the same gender identity, regardless of whether the resident is making a gender transition or appears to be gender-nonconforming.”

“The purpose of this act is to accelerate the process of freeing LGBT residents and patients from discrimination, both by specifying prohibited discriminatory acts in the long-term care setting and by providing additional information and remedies to ensure that LGBT residents know their rights and have the means to vindicate them,” explained Section 1 of SB 219.

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Source: Christian Post