WATCH: Mark Zuckerberg Takes a Ride With NASCAR’s Dale Earnhardt

Mark Zuckerberg went for the ride of his life on Tuesday.

Donning a blue fire suit, the Facebook CEO sat shotgun in Dale Earnhardt Jr.’s race car as the NASCAR star took him for a spin around a Charlotte, North Carolina, motor speedway. The unlikely pair averaged 175 mph during the ride.

“Holy s—!” said Zuckerberg as they zoomed around and around the track. “Woahhhhhh.”

Zuckerberg’s multi-lap expedition was filmed for a Facebook Live video posted Tuesday, and now seen by more than 2 million people. It’s part of Zuckerberg’s “year of travel,” in which he aims to learn more about different communities and subcultures across the country.

“This is amazing,” said a grinning Zuckerberg in the middle of the ride. “You can really feel the grip.”

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SOURCE: PEOPLE, Rose Minutaglio