Egypt’s Struggling Christians Turn to God for Deliverance


One year ago, a revolution swept Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak from power. Supporters hoped for a new era of freedom in the land of the pharaohs.

But today, many Egyptians believe their revolution is stalled. Some even fear it’s been hijacked by Islamists.
That’s a frightening prospect for Egypt’s persecuted Christians, who are praying for a peaceful future but see difficult times ahead.
Garbage City
The eastern Cairo neighborhood of Mokattam is home to many Coptic Christians. It’s a place where poverty abounds – so much so that the area is called “garbage city.”
The Christians who live there are called “zebaleen” or “garbage people.”
They live amidst the city’s refuse, sifting through trash and sorting it just to earn a few Egyptian pounds.
The Christians there tell visitors about a famous legend from more than a thousand years ago. Caliph Al-Mu’izz knew that Jesus talked about having the faith of a mustard seed.
The caliph challenged Christians to move Cairo’s Mokattam Mountain. They prayed for three days and miraculously the mountain moved.
Click here to read more.

Gary Lane