Two 12-Year-Old Girls Are Being Charged as Adults in Stabbing Another 12-Year-Old Girl 19 Times in Planned Murder Plot

ABE VAN DYKE One of two 12-year-old girls accused of stabbing another 12-year-old girl in an attempted murder plot in Waukesha, Wis. is seen in court on Monday.
One of two 12-year-old girls accused of stabbing another 12-year-old girl in an attempted murder plot in Waukesha, Wis. is seen in court on Monday.

The girls, both aged 12, have been charged as adults after allegedly luring a friend into a Waukesha, Wisc. park and savagely stabbing her to please a mythological creature named Slender Man which they learned about online, according to prosecutors.

Two 12-year-old girls have been charged as adults in the attempted murder of another 12-year-old girl whom prosecutors say was stabbed 19 times to please a mythological creature they learned about online.

The two girls, charged Monday with first-degree attempted homicide, face up to 60 years in prison if convicted in the savage Saturday morning attack in a Waukesha, Wisc. park, according to prosecutors.

According to a criminal complaint one of the two girls told a detective they were trying to become “proxies” of a mythological demon-like character called Slender Man, which they learned about on, a website about horror stories and legends.

The slaughter of their friend, whom they baited after a sleep over, had been planned since at least December, one girl told a detective.

They said they invited the girl over Friday night and after failing to kill her that night lured her to a park in the morning where they played a game of hide-and-go-seek.

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Source: New York Daily News |  

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