The Best Father’s Day Gift That Daniel Whyte III Ever Received Was From His 7 Children — Danni, Daniel IV, Danita, Danae, Daniqua, Danyel, and Danyelle — Who All Wrote Spontaneous Letters From Their Hearts When They Were Younger and Had Pure Hearts, Which His Daughter Danita Evangeline Edited and Made Into a Book for Father’s Day, Which He Will Cherish Forever. Danita Evangeline Whyte and her Siblings Share Letters of Love, Appreciation, and Honor That They Wrote to Their Father, Daniel Whyte III, Spontaneously and on Their Own, and Not Only on Father’s Day But Also on birthdays, spiritual birthdays, and for no reason at all other than pure love and appreciation for their father Down Through the Years in the Book Titled, “DEAR PAPA.” The book was edited in such a way that it can be a blessing to other fathers and children as well. HAPPY FATHER’S DAY 2023!

The Best Father’s Day Gift That Daniel Whyte III Ever Received Was From His 7 Children — Danni, Daniel IV, Danita, Danae, Daniqua, Danyel, and Danyelle — Who All Wrote Spontaneous Letters From Their Hearts When They Were Younger and Had Pure Hearts, Which His Daughter Danita Evangeline Edited and Made Into a Book for Father’s Day, Which He Will Cherish Forever. Danita Evangeline Whyte and her Siblings Share Letters of Love, Appreciation, and Honor That They Wrote to Their Father, Daniel Whyte III, Spontaneously and on Their Own, and Not Only on Father’s Day But Also on birthdays, spiritual birthdays, and for no reason at all other than pure love and appreciation for their father Down Through the Years in the Book Titled, “DEAR PAPA.” The book was edited in such a way that it can be a blessing to other fathers and children as well. HAPPY FATHER’S DAY 2023!

FROM THE GREAT JEW, PASTOR LON SOLOMON (who was the main pastor who introduced Daniel Whyte III to online church and ministry years ago when he was still pastor), to the Embattled but Victorious White Man, PASTOR DAVID PLATT, Comes a 16-Year Faithful Black Man, PASTOR MIKE KELSEY, Who Has Been Accused of Being WOKE by Some Church Members, Rises to What Most Churches Would Call the “Senior” LEAD Pastor Position (if he is voted in this week) at One of the Most Influential and Powerful Churches in America — MCLEAN BIBLE CHURCH in Washington, D.C.

FROM THE GREAT JEW, PASTOR LON SOLOMON (who was the main pastor who introduced Daniel Whyte III to online church and ministry years ago when he was still pastor), to the Embattled but Victorious White Man, PASTOR DAVID PLATT, Comes a 16-Year Faithful Black Man, PASTOR MIKE KELSEY, Who Has Been Accused of Being WOKE by Some Church Members, Rises to What Most Churches Would Call the “Senior” LEAD Pastor Position (if he is voted in this week) at One of the Most Influential and Powerful Churches in America — MCLEAN BIBLE CHURCH in Washington, D.C.

Daniel Whyte III, President of Gospel Light Society International, Says This is the Kind of “Straining at a Gnat and Swallowing a Camel” HYPOCRISY That Jesus Christ Talked About That is Causing Biden to Lose Credibility and to Slip in the Polls. He is Seeking to Deport a Beautiful Christian Family Who Fled Germany 15 YEARS AGO Because They Were Not Allowed to Homeschool Their Children; However, he Ignores the Chaotic Situation at the Border of Allowing Millions of People to Come Into This Country and Many of Them Are Running Drugs, Sex Trafficking, Committing Other Crimes, Some are Terrorists, and They Are Jeopardizing the Jobs of Many Americans Who Can Barely Get by.

Daniel Whyte III, President of Gospel Light Society International, Says This is the Kind of “Straining at a Gnat and Swallowing a Camel” HYPOCRISY That Jesus Christ Talked About That is Causing Biden to Lose Credibility and to Slip in the Polls. He is Seeking to Deport a Beautiful Christian Family Who Fled Germany 15 YEARS AGO Because They Were Not Allowed to Homeschool Their Children; However, he Ignores the Chaotic Situation at the Border of Allowing Millions of People to Come Into This Country and Many of Them Are Running Drugs, Sex Trafficking, Committing Other Crimes, Some are Terrorists, and They Are Jeopardizing the Jobs of Many Americans Who Can Barely Get by.