“A LITTLE CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM”–Student JOHN OTT IS AN AMERICAN HERO! Daniel Whyte III says if the church will not rise and put a stop to this sodomite/homosexual transgender chaos and foolishness, the high school students will. GLORY BE TO GOD! HUNDREDS OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN LIBERAL PENNSYLVANIA WALKED OUT AFTER THE SCHOOL BOARD SAID TRANSGENDER STUDENTS MUST BE ALLOWED TO USE WHICHEVER BATHROOM THEY CHOOSE. Whyte says THE DEVIL IS A LIE! and thanks God for JOHN OTT and the other young people who act like they have more sense than some homosexual-affirming pastors and churches and the school board to rise and say, we are not taking this confusion, chaos, and foolishness anymore. GLORY BE TO GOD! One of the main reasons school boards and teachers are going along with this foolishness is because somebody is getting paid extra as Judas did to force this wicked agenda down the throats of students and their parents.

“A LITTLE CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM”–Student JOHN OTT IS AN AMERICAN HERO! Daniel Whyte III says if the church will not rise and put a stop to this sodomite/homosexual transgender chaos and foolishness, the high school students will. GLORY BE TO GOD! HUNDREDS OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN LIBERAL PENNSYLVANIA WALKED OUT AFTER THE SCHOOL BOARD SAID TRANSGENDER STUDENTS MUST BE ALLOWED TO USE WHICHEVER BATHROOM THEY CHOOSE. Whyte says THE DEVIL IS A LIE! and thanks God for JOHN OTT and the other young people who act like they have more sense than some homosexual-affirming pastors and churches and the school board to rise and say, we are not taking this confusion, chaos, and foolishness anymore. GLORY BE TO GOD! One of the main reasons school boards and teachers are going along with this foolishness is because somebody is getting paid extra as Judas did to force this wicked agenda down the throats of students and their parents.