Journalists Who Work at the White House Are Testing Positive for Covid-19

New York (CNN Business)A widening coronavirus outbreak at the White House has left members of the media scrambling to find out if they, too, are infected.

Three journalists who work at the White House tested positive on Friday, according to a series of memos from the White House Correspondents Association.
A White House staffer who sits in the “lower press” area of the West Wing also received a confirmed positive result on Friday morning.
Reporters and White House spokespeople work together in cramped quarters, often meeting the definition of close contact.
So there is now widespread concern among White House reporters about who was exposed.
Friday’s first memo, obtained by CNN Business, said members of the press corps were being notified “so that you can make informed judgements.”
The late morning memo said that “all other journalists tested today tested negative.”
A followup message at 1:33 p.m. carried word of another case of a sick journalist.
“We are writing to let you know that another member of our press corps tested positive today for COVID-19,” the memo said. “This individual was last at the White House on Saturday and subsequently traveled on Air Force One to Pennsylvania. The individual began experiencing COVID-19 symptoms yesterday.”

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Source: CNN