Warrant to be Issued for Patriots’ Owner Robert Kraft’s Arrest On Monday

(AP Photo)

Patriots owner Robert Kraft is in trouble. This the world knows.

Two misdemeanor charges for solicitation of prostitution thrust him under a scalding spotlight Friday when they were announced by police during a press conference in Jupiter, Florida. Kraft’s charges stem from a sweeping crackdown on human trafficking and sex trade in several Florida counties following a six-month investigation into local spas and massage parlors. A warrant will reportedly be issued for Kraft’s arrest Monday to officially get the ball rolling on his individual proceedings.

How hard and fast that ball rolls down to the low point of his tenure as New England’s owner is somewhat unclear. And that should trouble the 77-year-old more than the current ongoing media storm.

Robert P. Foley, a local criminal defense attorney who’s dealt with numerous solicitation cases over the last 15 years, and private investigator Rick Root both offered their Palm Beach County legal expertise Friday and detailed how Kraft’s case could advance. Root previously worked in Palm Beach County law enforcement for 24 years and occasionally served in a support role during prostitution stings.

Without intimate knowledge of the case, Foley and Root forecasted the same timeline of events for Kraft before diverging on the likelihood he will stand trial and the severity of probable consequences. Police allege Kraft twice visited Orchids of Asian Day Spa in Jupiter, and there is video evidence he was involved in a sex act both times.

Foley is nonetheless extremely confident Kraft will avoid trial, Root less so.

Here’s why.

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SOURCE: Andrew Callahan