Some Texas Voters Say Machines Are Changing Their Ballots

FORT WORTH (CBSDFW.COM) – In a hyper partisan election, some voters in Tarrant County are finding they’re selecting the candidate of the party they don’t want.

The issue is coming up when voters select the “straight party” option.

About ten voters in Tarrant County have complaints that something isn’t right when they select the “straight party” option… meaning they want to vote all Republican or all Democrat.

Tarrant County Elections Administrator Heider Garcia sees he believes he knows what the issue is, walking us through the process using a mock ballot.

“You just find a party you like. You’re going to click on it and wait until the machine marks everything on the ballot for that party,” said Garcia.

Sounds easy enough but about ten voters in Tarrant County have complaints that something isn’t right when they select the “straight party” option…meaning they want to vote all Republican or all Democrat.

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SOURCE: MaryAnn Martinez