Hosts of Morning Joe Call for Cabinet-led Coup of Trump

The hosts of Morning Joe are using their show to rally members of Trump’s cabinet remove the president from office.

This cabinet-led coup could happen via the 25th Amendment, host Joe Scarborough said Friday. That amendment to the Constitution, adopted in 1967, deals with replacing a president who is no longer able to “discharge the powers and duties of his office,” which these hosts say applies to Trump due to his apparent mental incapacitation.

“If you’ve been around mental health issues in your life … the pressure heightens, it gets worse,” Donny Deutsch said Friday. “And we should be frightened right now. We should be — there is nothing glib about it.”

“At what point do you go to article 25? [sic]” Deutsch asked.

Deutsch said he’s able to diagnose a change in Trump’s mental state: “I have known him for 20 years and I’ve spent hours and hours with him, everything from negotiating leases to at-school functions to hours and hours of interviewing him on my old show. He’s not the same guy. You can see it in his eyes and in his speech pattern, and most frighteningly his behavior. I think there’s something else happening here. If you’ve been around mental illness and whatnot, I think he’s feeling the noose around his neck tightening with Mueller.”

“So take a guy who is mentally unstable,” Deutsch continued. “Now put a gun closer — metaphorically, closer and closer to his head, and I think that’s what you’re seeing this week. I think there’s a new level, and I think we’re going to see it heightened as these two stories are coming together. His mental health and the Russian inquiry are coming together and it’s going to crescendo in even more insane behavior.”

Scarborough also predicted Trump’s mental health would deteriorate.

“My mom has dementia,” Scarborough said. “She had pre-dementia for several years. My father’s death, the pressure of that, is when we really lost her. And so it got exponentially worse very first. The more pressure you’re under in this — if this is, in fact, the problem, the worse it gets.”

Scarborough said that Trump confidantes agree with him that Trump has “mentally devolved.”

“There is no doubt mentally, and maybe it’s the pressure of the campaign and this, everybody that’s known Trump for years says he has mentally devolved, and I just want to know when it’s safe to start talking about it and writing about it,” he said.

Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson said mental health experts warned him that Trump’s behavior would get worse.

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Source: Grabien