Mt. Zion Church in Belle Glade, FL, Hosts Police Officers at Special Service to Bring Community and Law Enforcement Closer Together

Maude Vereen, Belle Glade's first African-American female officer (Trina Conley)
Maude Vereen, Belle Glade’s first African-American female officer (Trina Conley)

Back when Belle Glade had its own police department, the city’s first African-American female officer began an annual tradition bringing together public safety officials and the community they served.

On Sunday, Mt. Zion Church in Belle Glade will host law enforcement appreciation day, now in its 27th year.

Founder Maude Vereen, now 85, still has the same simple request for officers who attend: Wear the uniform.

“We need to show the children and the community that we appreciate them,” Vereen said. “I want them to respect that uniform.”

The church will host guest preacher Leonard Mitchell, assistant police chief in Riviera Beach, to perform Sunday’ service accompanied by the gospel music by the Mt. Zion Mass Choir.

Afterward, the church plans to provide a fellowship dinner for all in attendance.

The day, designed as way to thank those in public service, may be even more important now than when it started, said Rev. William Cooper Jr.

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SOURCE: Ryan Van Velzer 
The Sun-Sentinel