Pastors Fail at Mind Reading In These 7 Areas

Dr. Thom Rainer
Dr. Thom Rainer

On rare occasions, I wish I could read minds.

Granted, most of the time I have no desire to know what’s on the minds of others. But there have been times when I wish I knew exactly what my wife would like for her birthday or our anniversary. When I was a pastor, however, it would have really come in handy. Today, hardly a week goes by where pastors do not share a story with me about their failure at mind reading. Here are seven common examples.

1. When a church member is sick or in the hospital. “I got chewed out by a church member a month ago,” a pastor shared with me. “I failed to visit her while she was in the hospital. When I told her I didn’t know she was in the hospital, she responded that I should have.”

2. When there is a death. “I missed a funeral, and I am still getting criticized for it,” noted a Colorado pastor. “A church member’s mother died. The funeral was about an hour away, but I never knew a thing about it until after the fact. The church member told me she doesn’t think she can keep giving to a church where the pastor neglects her.”

3. When emphasizing ministries in the church. This one came from my Church Answers mentoring group. The pastor was warned by an elder that he was in trouble because he was talking more about the children’s ministry than the student ministry. It was true, the pastor said. Those in the children’s ministry are highly accountable and give regular updates. He rarely hears anything about the student ministry.

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