Pro-Life Activists Arrested in D.C. for Writing “Black Preborn Lives Matter” on Sidewalk Outside Planned Parenthood

Police in Washington, D.C., arrested a man and a woman in front of Planned Parenthood because they were writing “Black Preborn Lives Matter” with a piece of chalk outside the abortion facility.

“Our students and team members were threatened, harassed, and arrested in front of Planned Parenthood in Washington D.C. for painting all Black Preborn Lives Matter,” the pro-life group Students for Life tweeted Saturday.

The tweet also carried a video of the incident. “Hey folks, I need to tell you now, that if you continue chalking you’re going to be placed under arrest for defacing property,” an officer can be heard saying.

A Metropolitan Police Department spokeswoman told The Epoch Times that the arrests were for the defacing of property.

The man and the woman were released with citations.

“We’ve had several offers from legal organizations to help our @StudentsforLife team in light of the unconstitutional arrests and banning of our #BlackPreBornLivesMatter street painting today,” Students for Life President Kristan Hawkins said. “@MayorBowser, you messed with the wrong students.”

Recently, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser painted the streets of the city with the slogan “BLACK LIVES MATTER,” the pro-life group pointed out in an online petition.

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SOURCE: Christian Post, Anugrah Kumar