South African Woman Believed to be World’s Oldest Living Person Celebrates 128th Birthday

Johanna, who lives near Johannesburg, could be the world’s oldest person (Picture: Newsflash)

A combination of fresh milk and wild spinach has helped Johanna Mazibuko reach the ripe old age of 128.

The South African celebrated her birthday this week – and it is thought she could be the oldest person alive.

She holds identity papers which she says she was born in 1894.

In the years since, she has lived through British colonialism, apartheid and two world wars.

Johanna, who lives in Jouberton, Klerksdorp, told reporters she was brought up on a maize farm in the town of Ottosdal, and was the eldest of 12 children.

‘We lived so well on the farms. There were no problems,’ she said.

There did once battle a locust infestation, she recalled, but the family found a novel way to get rid of the pesky insects.

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SOURCE: Metro UK, Kirsten Robertson