Cover Artist For “The Shack” Renounces Bestselling Book For Leading People Astray; Says ‘I Have Deep Regrets’

“The Shack” book cover.

Dave Aldrich, the graphic artist behind the controversial best-selling novel “The Shack,” recently said he has “deep regrets” for promoting a book that leads to apostasy.

“Over 10 years ago, I was captivated by the story and felt honored to be part of the graphic creation of the book. I was so drawn into it, wanting to know the God it portrayed,” the Aldrich Design artist posted to social media on April 4. “The Shack‘s story wonderfully painted this picture to me of an incredibly knowable and loving God, one full of forgiveness, but without being judgmental.”

Aldrich’s sentiments, however, were short lived and with the release of the film he felt he had to say something.

“I have deep regrets now of not just being involved with it but also in promoting it. The movie release of ‘The Shack’ has brought all this back to my mind and I felt the need to apologize to all who I may have led astray by my promoting the book,” he added.

Aldrich said that reading the novel led him to other authors such as Rob Bell and Brian McLaren, who “started out on the straight and narrow, having solid biblical beliefs, but strayed off into apostasy land.” He confessed that he found himself almost accepting universalist beliefs because of his lack of discernment.

After breaking his silence several people reached out to Aldrich in appreciation for his transparency.

Aldrich also admitted that he initially credited The Shack for portraying God as non-judgmental and all-loving, but his feelings changed when he realized the danger of that one-sided portrayal of God, adding that it doesn’t show Him as a judge of sin.


SOURCE: The Christian Post – Charity Gibson