Humanitarian Organization, Malteser International Americas, Launches Fresh Water Program In Haiti

Photo Credit: Malteser International Americas
Photo Credit: Malteser International Americas

Malteser International Americas, a Miami-based global humanitarian organization, has launched a fresh water program in the south west of Haiti where the worst drought in 35 years has put those already experiencing profound poverty and extreme vulnerability in further jeopardy.
“Malteser International Americas is improving the lives of more than 31,000 Haitians in Belle-Anse by connecting those suffering from drought with drinkable water, bettering their nutrition, and building their local capacities in the key areas of water, sanitation and hygiene, and the environment,” said Ravi Tripptrap, Executive Director of Malteser International Americas.

The drought – complicated by the tumultuous environmental effects of El Niño– has been detrimental to the livelihood of local Haitians who have suffered severe agricultural losses over the past few years due to lack of rainfall and prolonged drought.

Lack of water and the drought-stricken land, nearly incapable of yielding crops, have left over 1.5 million Haitians severely food insecure and without water to drink and to irrigate crops.

In response, Malteser International Americas launched the fresh water program to create a lifeline to thirsty mouths and to dying crops across Belle-Anse with an earthquake-resistant aqueduct and irrigation system.

Click here to read more.

SOURCE: EEW Magazine
Jill Watson